Welcome to Studio Huff! We’re Joey and Hayley Huff, and we want to share a bit about how our journey began and blossomed into the partnership we have today.

Our story starts back in fourth grade, when we were in the same class. Joey always had a crush on Hayley, but she wasn’t quite ready for all the attention he lavished on her. One unforgettable recess, Joey found himself surrounded by a group of boys who pushed him forward to confess his feelings. With nerves getting the better of him, he blurted out, “Hayley—I... I love you!” and then sprinted away before she could respond. Hayley and her friend Sam laughed and joked about how boys had cooties, blissfully unaware of the budding romance that would develop years later.

As we entered high school, Joey’s crush didn’t fade; in fact, it only grew stronger. He tried countless times to get Hayley’s attention, but his nerves often got the best of him, and he’d either stumble over his words or act a little awkwardly. Despite his efforts, their paths didn’t quite align during those formative years.

Fast forward to adulthood, where life took us on separate journeys. Hayley was living in Pennsylvania, while Joey had joined the Army. Both of us had become comfortable being single and were enjoying our own lives, but Joey felt a tug on his heart from God to reach out to Hayley one final time. So, he took a leap of faith and sent her a text. To his surprise, she replied—and she was single!

Their conversations picked up where they left off, and Hayley was amazed by how wonderful Joey had become. They discovered they had so much in common, and talking with each other felt effortless. Joey made every effort to visit Hayley, and as their romance blossomed, they officially became a couple just three months later.

However, eight months into their relationship, the world began to change dramatically as the pandemic set in. Hayley decided to move to Virginia, where Joey was stationed, but finding a place to live and work became increasingly challenging as everything started to shut down. Faced with uncertainty, she called her mom to share the news that she might have to move back to Colorado with her parents.

In an unexpected twist, her mom jokingly suggested, “Well, why don’t you just get married?! I’m available in two weeks!” Hayley and Joey were taken aback—Joey hadn’t even proposed yet! But, as the saying goes, “when you know, you know,” and they both felt it. They knew they were meant to spend the rest of their lives together.

And so began their journey as a married couple. Just two weeks later, they eloped in a beautiful park near their home, surrounded by love and joy.

As a couple, we’ve continued to grow both personally and professionally. Hayley attended the University of the Nations in Hawaii while she was single, where she earned a degree in photography. During that time, she also worked with several non-profits, helping them with their branding and websites. Joey, on the other hand, worked on logistical aspects in the Army and has continued to manage logistics for Studio Huff. Over the years, he’s developed his skills as a videographer, equipped with multiple drones to enhance their creative projects.

Fast forward four years, and life has never been sweeter. We now share our lives with three dogs and a cat, and together, we run Studio Huff—a testament to our love and partnership.

Thank you for being part of our story! We’re excited to bring our creativity and passion to your projects.